Friday, October 23, 2009

The very large and the very small

This post is written to discuss the use of black holes as means of transportation. Before you start throwing full wine bottles at your screen or me, let me make a few comments. This is not some made up fan fiction type of travel, it is very possible that it may become a means of getting from one place to another in the future. Since a black hole is infinitely dense, the only thing that it is able to orbit around is itself. This causes it to form a doughnut shape, and as we all know, doughnuts have holes in their centers. Because a black hole is infinitely dense, it also rips a hole in the space time continuum, and this hole leads right trough it. Now this is obviously a very dangerous way of travel, and it may not even be possible at all. It definitely is not possible at our current technology level, and probably will not be for a long time. It just is important to keep our minds open to all ideas, and not shut some of them out just because they sound preposterous.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Excellent, our first catch of the day

Although we may not be dealing with rebel commandoes and ion cannons, the idea of tackling string theory in a blog can be quite mind boggling. since this is such a large subject, lets start with a small part of it, quantum computing. Simply put, quantum computing is where one uses an atom to store information. Unlike other memory storage options, however, since atoms exist in the quantum state, they can be both a 1 and 0 at the same time, instead of just a 1 or a 0, giving it a much larger processing power than conventional computing. To put it into scope, 50 atoms would hold more processing power than we could hold on the entire surface area of the earth today using conventional means. I leave this open for discussion now.